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Top 10 Resume Mistakes That Could Cost You The Job

Everyone knows that there are so many competitors in the job market today. Yes, you can have so many experiences, tick all checkboxes of position requirements, but do you know whenever you submit a resume in an online job application, you have less than 2% chances of being offered a job, so how can you avoid that?

Top 10 Resume Mistakes That Could Cost You The Job
Top 10 Resume Mistakes That Could Cost You The Job

1. Typing and grammar errors

If you want a professional job, write like a professional. Too often, people ignore the importance of typing and grammar because the job they want doesn’t involve related tasks like editing manuscripts or magazine features.

Typing and grammar errors
Figure 1: Typing and grammar can be a measuring tool for the employer

But typing and grammar are indicators of two skills that are essential to any job: Attention to detail and communication.

2. Lying on your resume

While careless mistakes may make you lose a point in the eye of an employer, but resume lies to paint a far shadier picture. Neither creates a very compelling case for employment. However, according to a study from Hloom, a provider of resume templates and samples, such lies can have varying degrees of harm.

3. You don’t include necessary contact information or have unnecessary contact

At the very top of your resume should be Your name, address, personal email, and phone number (so they can contact you).

In some cases, it may be appropriate to include a link to your website or portfolio. Anything else is just a waste of space, keep it as clear and simple as possible.

4. Your resume is too long

Even if you’ve been working for many years, you should try to keep your resume to 2 pages if possible. There are exceptions like CVs for academic positions and some other roles tend to be longer and more detailed.

Your resume is too long
Figure 2. The employer won’t appreciate a candidate with a too-long resume

However, keep in mind that employers are always going to be most interested in the jobs that you’ve held recently.

5. Resume not organized

A black and white resume with clear headings and spacing will stand out more than a colorful resume with excessive use of boxes and line borders coming from all directions.

Make your resume easy to read and follow by balancing white spaces and using underlining, italics, bold, and capitalization for emphasis. When listing details under a section, use bullet points (instead of numbers or letters).

6. Not address the keywords from the job offer

Every resume you send out has to be personalized to match the requirements of the job you’re applying for. Don’t worry, this is not rocket science. You have a very clear blueprint of keywords to include in a given resume for the job offer itself!

Why is it so important? First of all, almost every big companies nowadays use Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) to scan resumes before it reaches a human decision-maker stage. ATS is programmed to search for relevant keywords on your resume (similar to the Google search engine algorithm). If it can’t find those on yours, you’re not getting a pass, simple as that.

7. Your resume filename is awkward

People should name their resumes by their first and last names. Many times, candidates will send in resumes named like 'espence_resume91.pdf,' 'Resume2021' or even 'revision5resume.' To stay on the safe side, use title case, capitalizing only the first letter of each word. And remember to keep consistent in both your resume and cover letter name.

8. Copying and pasting job descriptions

Please, do not copy and paste the job description that you were hired under (in the past) into your current resume. Recruiters do not want to read what they already wrote, they want to read how you accomplished those tasks and responsibilities in your current and past jobs. They are looking for skill sets, experience related to those skills in achieving a goal for current/past employers,...

9. You show your inconsistencies in your resume

Forget to recheck their dates, job titles, or job duties is worse than typos. Nowadays, most HR professionals search on LinkedIn and across social media accounts to searching for potential employees.

You show your inconsistencies in your resume
Figure 3. Inconsistencies in your resume can cost you a job

If your start dates, titles, or duties do not line up with each other, it can raise red flags to employers. It will make employers think that you are lying on Linkedin or your resume or both of them.

10. Last but not least, you have a weird format date

When employers see the dates on your resume that don't include months, they automatically assume something's wrong and will carefully check every small detail in your resume. And when they spotted or just suspected that you're hiding a gap in employment, they'll assume the worst, and they'll view you as dishonest for attempting to deceive them. If they're busy, they'll trash your resume instead of wondering what the gaps are about.


There are plenty of pitfalls to duck and dodge when writing a resume, but no matter how careful you are, there's always a chance you'll have at least one of the above mistakes. The

The best way to minimize those mistakes is to double-check your resume before sending it away.

Source: Internet


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