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What You Should Know About Staffing Trends In Vietnam In 2021

When the position requires higher skill, the harder it is to recruit talented people. And based on a recent survey, more than 90% of the Vietnamese businesses will continue recruiting in 2021 when the Covid-19 pandemic is expected to be under control. So, staffing augmentation could be a great solution when there are so many companies that want talents to work for them.

1. What is Staffing or Manpower augmentation?

In sort, Staff augmentation is the use of outside personnel temporarily to augment the work performance of your organization.

Around the world, many businesses have started using staffing services many years ago. However, in Vietnam, staffing services just have also grown and become popular a decade ago because of the benefits it could bring to businesses, and yes, this still definitely one of the staffing trends in Vietnam.

Using manpower augmentation service to done task more quickly

Figure 1. Using manpower augmentation service to done task more quickly

Here are the three main types of manpower augmentations:

  • Common workforce: Your company needs reliable workers to perform a task, but they don’t need a specific skill set to do a job like a basic factory, warehouse work, retail, events, and manual labor.

  • Skill-based: You require certain skills (typing, spreadsheet use, multi-lingual, driving,...), but the relative level of skill is not too important and they can do jobs like clerical work, data processing, transcription, basic copywriting, driver.

  • Highly - skilled talent: You require more advanced skills that are only attainable via significant training and experience, and the level of skill and experience is important. Software engineering, contract law, brand design, IT administrator,... are the job usually require highly skilled talent.

2. Which benefits your company will have when using a staff augmentation service?

  • The most important thing is manpower augmentation staff can understand the project quickly and also add value to a project. So, your company can have manpower augmentation staff with specific skill sets on a single project, rather than having to hire new employees to do all the company projects.

  • Second, your company can increase/decrease workforce based on real situations, staffing augmentation workforce function in the same way that retail stores contract seasonal employees.

You can always change the workforce whenever you want

Figure 2. You can always change the workforce whenever you want

  • Finally, manpower augmentation can be a “trial time” for potential full-time official employees, and the staffing organization takes responsibility in the case of a miss hire, not your company.

But the truth is, there’s doesn’t have a one size fit all staffing solution for every scenario, so you should consider the other way if:

  • The projects require a specially high level of contextual, institutional knowledge, hiring manpower augmentation staff in this scenario is not a good idea, it could lead to lengthy ramp-up times, and wasted costs.

  • Staffing augmentation also not a great solution for long-term projects or skills required on an ongoing basis (you should recruit official employees instead).

  • And there is an implicit risk that your organization will be more dependent on staffing augmentation organizations for talent which may add some negative effect to your plans for the company.

3. How to check if a manpower augmentation organization is suitable for your company?

After you set a plan to temporarily boosting your company’s work performance, so how can you decide to choose your best among hundreds of staffing outsource companies in Vietnam?

  • Research Your Staffing Partners Experience and Expertise: Yes, you can judge the outsource organization in much the same way as you would when you hire a permanent employee. Measure the satisfaction of their previous customers or read reviews and testimonials about them on blogs and a social fan page is the common way to judge a company in Vietnam.

  • Attention to language and cultural differences: Cultural differences, if not be considered at first can lead to a less-than-desirable outcome. An experienced staffing augmentation company can identify cultural or linguistic differences between your work environment and potential staff, then manage or adjust for these differences by selecting the best candidates possible, while customizing a staffing solution that fits a company’s unique outsourcing requirements.

The cultural difference still matters, even with staffing augmentation employees

Figure 3. The cultural difference still matters, even with staffing augmentation employees


As we mentioned above, talented people will still be hard to hire in Vietnam’s recruitment market in 2021, and manpower augmentation will still the staffing trends in Vietnam if COVID-19 pandemics will be under control soon.

Source: Internet


JT1 - IT Recruitment Agency


Điện thoại: +8428 6675 6685

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